You can get micro loans if you have been struggling in the past with bad debt. Or if you have a poor credit record. Or if you can’t access normal credit because of not being able to meet the necessary requirements. These types of loans are part of a broad range of financial services called microfinance. And are available to those with less money. Or for businesses that are struggling to make ends meet.
Micro loans have been particularly useful in places where poverty is abundant. And are successful in helping entrepreneurs get a business up and running with the minimum amount of cash.
Banks and other financial institutions that offer the micro loans prefer to see people that apply as prebankable. Instead of how many see them as considered non-bankable.
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Certain people may be considered prebankable by the lender if a bad credit record exists. Or they are on a blacklist for defaulting on monthly cash payments.
Terms of these loans are normally up to a period of about 60 months. They are the most affordable solutions on the market today to pay back. As long as you are cautious and apply through a reputable bank or other respected finance institution.
General requirements that allow you to apply are some form of identification. In addition, about 3 months bank statements and your latest payslips for proof of income.
As with any kind of money borrowing plan you will do best to shop around and source the best possible deal you can. Do that before applying for one of these micro loans.
Micro Loans and Microlending Companies
Micro loans and microlending companies offer small loans to those who would like to start a small business. Or add finance to their newly established business.
This might be a bit difficult if you have bad credit or are blacklisted. But you may still be able to borrow money from some of the lending companies. As a few of them specialise solely with blacklisted micro loans.
If you are dealing with the banks, you will have to have a clear credit record. And prove that you are able to afford the loan and won’t have a problem with the instalments each month.
There are more than a few micro loans and microlending companies that you can choose from when you need finance. In order for you to borrow money from the banks you will need to have the necessary documentation. Which normally includes copy of ID, pay slips or bank statements and anything else the company requires.
Lending money isn’t such a bad thing, contrary to what many people believe. As long as you are one hundred percent sure that you will be able to make your payments each month. Then there shouldn’t be a problem.
Having a bad credit history will make this whole process a bit more complicated. Therefore more expensive, but it is still an option. The reason why it might be more expensive for you to make a loan when you have bad credit is because they increase the interest rate if they see you as a risk.
What you should do is compare the features, conditions and prices of the loans from different lenders. And see who will be the most affordable for you to make use of when it comes to your micro loans and microlending companies.